
Ji-Hoon Kim Jazzband Leader/BlueNote-K Music/Ji-Hoon Kim Drumschool/Jazz drummer

Ji Hoon Kim

Drummer Ji-hoon Kim was born on September 28, 1982 in Anyang, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea.
He had a talent for music and sports from an early age, and at the age of 24, he majored in drums as a profession from a hobby.
He is a very popular drummer in Korea.

Kim Ji-hoon, the official international artist of Los Cabos Drumstick, Canada, and a domestic artist (JNR) of Canopus Drums in Japan, has been consistently recognized as a stable and neat drummer based on a solid basics from the past.
He is one of the most sought-after drummers.

​From 2018, he formed the jazz band “Kim Ji-Hoon Jazz Band”, which he himself led as the leader, and has already performed many activities.

​Including All That Jazz in Itaewon, Daegu Old Blue, Once in a Blue Moon in Cheongdam-dong, and Incheon Bottom Line, he continues to work actively at the best jazz venues with the soul and tradition of domestic jazz history, building up his career as drummer Ji-hoon Kim. Also, whenever I get a chance, I often collaborate with the best musicians in Korea.

​In addition, drummer Jihoon Kim has accumulated a lot of experience by giving lectures at famous domestic practical music academies, schools, and academies, such as Modern K Practical Music Academy, Nam Joo-hee Practical Music Academy, and Seoul Yewon Junior College, based on the skills that he has been honing for a long time.

​He completed his master’s degree in drums from Kyunghee University’s Graduate School of Art Fusion. His notable careers include winning the Best Drum Master’s Performance Scholarship at the Youatsu School of Music in Philadelphia, USA and the Cornell Graduate School of Music at the Shepherd’s School of Music in Los Angeles, USA.

​Let’s look at his major career below.

-Major Career-
Ji-hoon Kim (Drums)
Japanese “Canopus Drums” International Artist Endoser(2022)
Canada “Loscabos Drumstick” International Artist  Endoser, Signature Drum Stick Drummer(7A, 5A)
Japanese Canopus Drums Domestic Artist(JNR Music)Endoser Experience
MA in Music at “Kyunghee University”
Philadelphia, USA “The University of the Arts” Top scholarship award
Los Angeles, USA “Shepherd Cornell School of Music” Top scholarship award
“Blue Note K Music” Representative
“Ji-hoon Kim Jazz band” leader
“Ji Hoon Kim Drum School” Representative
Drum professor at “Seoul Yewon College”
17 Years of Drum Educator Career
“John Wesley Memorial Crusade” Drummer
Performances in famous Korean theaters
(All That Jazz, Old Blue, Bottom Line, Yellow Taxi, Under The Stars, Club K Seoul….etc)

/Drummer Kim Ji-hoon, rated as Korea’s best drum educator/







Products in use


Blackish Ash Oil


Groove Kit
Yaiba Gray Sparkle Lacquer

Bro’s Kit

Platinum Ruby

MO Round Edge Snare Drum

Smoky Violet Oil