Bolt Tight

Tuning has never been so easy!
No more Loose Tension Rods!No more Sonic Overtones!More Overall Tone from my Drum
“BOLT TIGHT” is an original product developed to not only prevent bolts from loosening but also cuts that undesirable metallic sound and brings the “deep and fat” sound out of your drums. We recommend mounting “BOLT TIGHT” on your snare drums as well as tom toms and bass drums.
Bolt Tight
The effectiveness of Bolt Tight has been approved and adopted by the following drum manufacturers as the standard specifications.
- Brady Drums (Australia)
- Acoutin Custom (USA)
- Sleishman Drums (Australia)

- BT-40
- available in packs of 40 pcs
- BT-20
- available in packs of 20 pcs

No. | Active length (mm) | Bolt length (mm) | Remarks | |
BTB-35 | 27 | 35 | 20 pcs | |
BTB-42 | 34 | 42 | ||
BTB-52 | 44 | 52 | ||
BTB-65 | 57 | 65 |
* Adaptation table is based on the lineup of various manufacturers as of July 2007.For the bolts of other than those listed on the adaptation table, check manufacturer, size, year and inspect the length of the bolts at the time of purchase.
* For drum sets, check the length of the bolts on your drums before you purchase or try our sister products of BT-40 or BT-20.
* BTB can not be installed on DW True-Pitch or SONOR Pitch.
* Refer to the adaptive chart for BTB on the back side at the time of purchase.
Brand | Lug Type | Depth | BTB |
CANOPUS | Single Lug | 6.5″ | BTB-52 |
5.5″ | |||
5″ | BTB-42 | ||
4″ | BTB-35 | ||
Pearl | Single Lug(CL Type) | 6.5″ | BTB-52 |
5.5″ | |||
5″ | BTB-42 | ||
4″ | BTB-35 | ||
3″ | |||
Single Lug(CL Type) | 6.5″ | BTB-42 | |
Single Lug(Tube Type) | 6.5″ | BTB-52 | |
5.5″ | |||
5″ | BTB-42 | ||
4″ | BTB-35 | ||
Single Lug(Reference) | 6.5″ | BTB-42 | |
5.5″ | |||
TAMA | Single Lug | 6.5″ | BTB-52 |
5.5″ | |||
5″ | BTB-42 | ||
4″ | BTB-35 | Separate Lug | 6.5″ | BTB-42 |
5.5″ | |||
5″ | |||
4″ | |||
YAMAHA | Single Lug | 6.5″ | BTB-65 |
5.5″ | |||
5″ | BTB-52 | ||
4″ | BTB-42 | Separate Lug | 6.5″ | BTB-35 |
5.5″ | |||
5″ | |||
4″ | |||
Gretsch | Single Lug | 6.5″ | BTB-65 |
5.5″ | BTB-52 | ||
5″ | BTB-42 | ||
4″ | BTB-35 | Separate Lug | 6.5″ | BTB-42 |
LUDWIG | Single Lug | 6.5″ | BTB-65 |
5.5″ | BTB-52 | ||
5″ | BTB-42 | ||
4″ | BTB-35 | Separate Lug | 6.5″ | BTB-42 |
Slingerland | Single Lug | 6.5″ | BTB-65 |
5.5″ | BTB-52 | ||
5″ | BTB-42 | ||
4″ | BTB-35 | Separate Lug | 6.5″ | BTB-42 |
DW * BTB can not be installed on DW True-Pitch or SONOR Pitch. | Single Lug | 6.5″ | BTB-65 |
5.5″ | BTB-52 | ||
5″ | BTB-42 | ||
4″ | BTB-35 | Separate Lug | 6.5″ | BTB-42 |
Red Bolt Tight(Limited Quantity)

No. | Remarks |
BT-40R | 40pcs |
Photos from Instagram
Red-Lock (CTL-4) is a tension bolt lock developed for use with the Bolt Tight (BT-20) to meet the demands of even the hardest-hitting drummers. While Bolt Tight is enough for most players, Red-Lock ensures that even the hardest rimshots won’t loosen your tension bolts
Tension bolt play occurs mostly around the spot a stick strikes. The moment the hoop sinks from the force of a rim shot, the bolt becomes free and able to turn.
This is when the Red-Lock comes into play, holding the bolt to prevent turning
The Red-Lock is compact and will never stick out from lugs or get in the way of drum storage, even in your custom-sized cases.
By combining Bolt-Tight and Red-Lock, you have our “Iron-Wall Guard” to ensure that even tuning and consistent sound are retained through even the most punishing performances
#canopus #canopusdrums #canopusredlock #canopusbolttight #drummerindonesia #indonesiandrummer #ikatandrummerindonesia
#프리버드 #드럼매장 #프리버드드럼샵 #freebuddrum #freebuddumshop #신촌 #홍대 #이대 #상수 #drum #drummer #evnas #evanscalftone #evansj1etched #j1etched #canopus #canopusbolttight #bt40
#드럼 #드러머 #심벌 #페달 #전자드럼 #음스타그램 #드럼스타그램
#프으리버드 #드럼은 #프리버드에서~
안녕하세요 +_+
프리버드입니다 오늘 소개할 드럼악세사리는 에반스의 j1 etched와 캐노퍼스의 텐션로드와셔를 소개 할까합니다 먼저 에반스 j1은 레모사의 르네상스와 비슷한 헤드입니다!!! 요세 많이 쓰고들계시는 evans의calftone 헤드와 조합해서 쓰시면 빈티지의 끝을 보실수 있으실겁니다+_+
그리고 추가로 케노퍼스의 bt-40볼트타이트 입니다!! 기존의 텐션로드와셔와 뭐가다르냐구요?!!!!여러분들이 그냥 넘어가실수 있는 사운드적인 부분에서도 영향을 주기때문에 이렇게 알려드립니다!!
케노퍼스의 텐션로드와셔는 일단 가죽으로 제작 되어서 서로 맞닿으면서 튜닝이 잘풀리지 않습니다 그리고!!!!!!!!!!이가죽으로 된 와셔들이 림을 제대로 잡아줌으로써 사운드를 잡아주는 효과도 있습니다!!!! 기껏 텐션로드와셔로 사운드가 달라지나???라고 생각하실수 있지만 예를들어 림을 손으로 한번 잡아보고 쳐보시면 사운드 차이가 납니다 그거랑 비슷한 효과라고 생각하시면 됩니다+_+!!!
에반스의 j1 etched 헤드와 케노퍼스의 bt-40이였습니다 감사합니다 악기는?!!!!프으~~~으리 버드에서~~!!
Prepping the drums for our upcoming shows & tour. Geert’s snare drum recipe: 14 x 6,5 Tama Bell Brass reissue with Remo CS/X Coated on top, Remo Ambassador on bottom and Canopus Back Beat snare wires. Extra tuning stability is provided by Canopus Bolt Tight & Red Lock on the lugs. 🤘🏼🤓 #switchbones #tamadrums #tamabellbrass #bellbrass #bellbrasssnare #remodrumheads #remocsx #remocsxcoated #remoambassador #canopusdrums #canopussnarewires #canopusbolttight #canopusredlock #gearslutz #drumgeek #drumgear #drums #drummer #rockdrummer #snaredrum #snaredrumfreakz #gerbsu officialtamadrums switchbonesmusic remopercussion canopusdrums gerbsu ...