
Jack Yardley

Jack Yardley is the winner of the prestigious Help Musicians Postgraduate Jazz Award 2016 and was a scholarship recipient at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama to which he graduated with a First Class Honours. Jack is fast becoming one of the most in demand sidemen in London, he has gained plaudits from stalwarts of the jazz community such as Martin Hathaway, Duncan Eagles and Ed Jones to name a few for his creative and innovative style which consistently pushes the music and musicians around him to the very limit. He has had performances at some of London’s premier jazz venues such as The Vortex, Pizza Express, The Spice of Life, The Royal Albert, Cable Cafe to name but a few.

Jack has a huge sound, relentless energy and a fearless searching quality within his playing. This coupled with his beautiful and open compositions makes a powerful statement” – Duncan Eagles (Ropeadope Artist)

“Jack is an award winning young gun composer…with fearless risk on the bandstand” – Edgar Jones




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