
Bence Bolygo

Bence Bolygo

The yaiba as the name implies is a master sword instrument. Due to Canopus’s intensive research and development program they have created a standard series kit to their portfolio that is versitile for all situations and stands up to being played in any genre from pop to jazz to rock. Canopus based these kit designs on the key components of classic vintage drums going as far as analysing the wood grain and developing a unique bearing edge for each drum to get the best tonality/ resonance physically possible. The tolerance and precision of craftsmanship is second to know to 0.1 of a mm.

These drums in my opinion sing as individuals and serves as the best creative extension of your brain to real tones making inspiring music. Every Time I or anyone whom comes to our facilities plays this kit find the same reality that the yaiba kits, hold a portal between you brain and music that one has never other wise experienced. Making it the only serious choice in today’s market if you truly believe in your sound and playing.

Overall 10/10.