Hybrid Hi-hat Stand

Hybrid Hihat Stand CHS-3HY

Hybrid Hi-hat Stand

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Hybrid Hihat Stand
No. Size
CHS-3HY Weight : 4.5kg (9.92lb)

H ≒ 710mm ~ 910mm (27.95″ ~ 35.82″)




Hybrid Hihat Stand CHS-3HY

Innovative new leverage system provides more accurate motion and response.

However, with these regular systems players tend to notice a small discrepancy in depression depth in terms of how the actual pedal and the shaft rod react.We managed to solve the problem by adopting higher interlocking rate in our levering system. It allows players to have a much lighter and smoother and to feel subtle differences in footwork.Also, by adopting a jointed under plate, we have maintained stability whilst making it foldable.To provide smooth footwork, the drive mechanisms on high-end models usually have a cam system or leverage system.

Hybrid Hihat Stand CHS-3HY

Adopted Aluminum on Double Legs

We managed to make the stand light by adopting Aluminum on the double legs while maintaining stability.

New leverage system provides more accurate motion and response

By adopting higher interlocking rate in our levering system, it allows players to have a much lighter and smoother and to feel subtly differences in footwork.

Hybrid Hihat Stand CHS-3HY

Foldable Bass-Plate

By adopting a jointed under plate, we have maintained stability whilst making it foldable.

Hybrid Hihat Stand CHS-3HY

Comes with Velcro

We adopted velcro on the chain joint part to avoid your shoes not to touch it.

Closeup in details

Hybrid Hihat Stand CHS-3HY
Hybrid Hihat Stand CHS-3HY

for CHS-3HY Pedal Plate Toe Stopper

CHSP-TS CHS-3HY Pedal Plate Toe Stopper

No. Name
CHSP-TS for CHS-3HY Pedal Plate Toe Stopper

We have great news for drummers who have experienced their favourite shoes becoming damaged or dirtied by use of their hihat stand. CHSP-TS has been developed by Canopus based on many customer requests – it not only protects your shoes from damage and dirt, it also improves hi hat playability. CHSP-TS is large and functional.

CHSP-TS CHS-3HYPedal Plate Toe Stopper
CHSP-TS CHS-3HYPedal Plate Toe Stopper
It can also be installed on Gibraltar productsand Yamaha FP-720.CHSP-TS CHS-3HYPedal Plate Toe Stopper*Although designed for Canopus CHS-3HY it can also be used with other models – however they may not be completely collapsed after installation – please be careful.
t can be attached to Canopus light-weight hihat stand CHS-1, but the stand will not be able to be fully folded after installation. Please check more details.CHSP-TS CHS-3HYPedal Plate Toe Stopper

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