
Don Cholo, Terrence Ngassa, Benedikt Hesse Trio

Benedikt Hesse

Benedikt Hesse is based in Cologne, Germany and plays with artists like Terrence Ngassa (afro-ethno jazz from Cameroon) and Don Cholo (multi-culture latin hip-hop).
Also he is cultivating original projects like the Benedikt Hesse Trio and maintaining a decade-plus tenure with the acclaimed Puppetry Theatre of Cologne.
He created “the drummer´s tatami”, an all-in-one-sheet drumset method which is crafted to help drummers to bring their skills to the next level.



Message to CANOPUS

Canopus makes the most musical drums in the business. The high quality and perfect sound are just impressive. Once played Canopus, always played Canopus!


Products in use


Black Sparkle Wrap
20 x 15 Bass Drum
15 x 12 Bass Drum
10 x 7 Tom
12 x 8 Tom
13 x 12 Floor Tom
14 x 13 Floor Tom

Neo Vintage NV60-M1

Black Sparkle
18 x 14 Bass Drum
12 x8 Tom
14 x 14 Floor Tom

NV60-M1 Snare Drum

Black Sparkle Wrap
14 x 5.5


Black Sparkle Wrap
22 x 18 Bass Drum

The Maple Snare Drum

13 x 6.5. Crimson Fade Lacquer
10 x 6 Black Sparkle Wrap


Groove Kit
Yaiba Gray Sparkle Lacquer