Birch Snare Drum

Birch Snare Drum

Birch Snare Drum

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BR-1440 (14"x4")
BR-1455 (14"x5.5")
BR-1465 (14"x6.5")
Power Hoop (steel 2.3mm) / 8
Vintage Snare Wire [CPSL-14DR]
8Ply Birch 6.5mm
Wrap / Lacquer

Colors in stock

Black Satin Black Satin
White Satin White Satin
Aqua Satin Aqua Satin
Red Satin Red Satin
Marmalade Swirl Marmalade Swirl
Rotten Blue LQ (Mat) Rotten Blue LQ (Mat)
Rotten Red LQ (Mat) Rotten Red LQ (Mat)
Ebony LQ (Mat) Ebony LQ (Mat)
Birch Snare Drum Sound Chart



Dry and Dark Sound

The Birch snare drum gives a warm, dry sound with incredible attack. The shell is designed with an inner grain direction to emphasize direct sound. It really is a versatile snare drum that responds well to multiple head choices in many genres of music.

Birch Snare Drum BR-1455

Birch Snare Drum Snare WireVintage Snare Wire [CPSL-14DR]

brings out the potential of your snare drum and allows you to express more with pianissimo sound.

Bolt Tight

Makes the Tension Rods Smoother. No More Loose Tension Rods. No More Unwanted Overtones. More Overall Tones from Drums.

Birch Snare Drum HoopPower Hoop (steel 2.3mm)

Power Hoops have a low 17.5mm height. They produce an uncompressed sound and a full, broad rim shot. The edge height allows ease of playability and may also reduce missed rim shots.

Birch Snare Drum ShellShell

8Ply Birch 6.5mm

Birch Snare Drum Strainer
Snare Wire StrainerA nylon nut is built in the strainer switch CSA-20S.Canopus’ switch is so designed to prevent “loosening of snare wire” during the performance by creating moderate friction on the tension adjustment dial by the torque controlled nylon nut.

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