Back Beat Snare Wire 30

Back Beat Snare Wire 30

Back Beat Snare Wire 30

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Back Beat Snare Wire
No. Size Type
CPSS-BB14SNP30 for 14″ 30 strand

Nickel Plated




Canopus initially developed the Back Beat snare series to effortlessly provide a more pronounced back beat. We have now adopted it to a wider 30-strand snare wire – it responds to every stroke giving a full, pleasant snare sound.The BB30 snare provides the perfect solution for those drummers who are not completely satisfied with the commonly used 20 strand snare wire, but who find that the typical 42 strand snare wire is too large.

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#puresoundsnarewires #puresoundwires
#canopusdrums #canopusbackbeat
#tamastarclassic #ludwig #ludwigdrums
#ludwigsnare #snaredrums #snarewire
#goutbass #goutbassmusic
#グーバス #グーバスミュージック

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#snarewire #canopus
#goutbass #leftovers123

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Close up of the Back Beat 42 wires made by canopusdrums on my snare drum for the gig tonight with Vertigo. #drummer #snaredrum #snarewires #canopusdrums #canopusbackbeat #designedtobedifferent ...

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