Zelkova Drum Set

zelkova drum set

Zelkova Drum Set

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Rare, 200 year old Zelkova Wood (Akagi) -aged for 5 years -giving a 9% moisture content!

Why Is A Hollowed One-Piece Drum Subject To Crack?

The cylindrical shape of a one-piece drum is inherently fragile. Therefore, we have adapted a new method: we have found the answer in “vectors.”When the force FN(newton) is given vertically against a curved surface, it branches off into f1, f2, and f3.The force f1 and f2 run along straight forward, while f3 runs through the curved surface, thereby causing a crack. (See fig. 1) However, our original global shaped drum shell will disperse the given vertical force along the global surface. (See fig. 2) Hence, we have achieved the desired outcome: a hollowed one-piece drum that is much stronger and more durable than the existing cylindrical surface of the present one-piece drums available.We allow the wood to season naturally for 3years and then treat the shell in a specially designed wood drier to reduce the moisture content down to 9 percent. This drying procedure contributes to minimize the shrinkage and cracking of the drum shell.

A new revolving height adjustable tubular lug

The Zelkova drum features a hollowed one piece shell made from a stump of precious 200 years old Zelkova wood. The wood is seasoned for three years and moisture content is regulated down to 9 percent in a specially designed wood drier . However, this shell may still be affected by outside humidity, and may display a degree of contraction and expansion. The diameter of the shell increases when the humidity is high, and decreases when humidity is low.Since commonly used lugs have a swivel feature to accomodate the tension bolts, it wouldn’t matter if the drum shell expands or contracts. However, the Canopus tube lug has no swivel feature – it is a solid structure in order to enhance vibration cycle efficiency. Sometimes, when expansion and contraction occurs on the shell, perfect alignment of the tension bolts and lugs may prove difficult A new revolving height adjustable tubular lug has been designed in order to solve this problem. It has a mechanism which enables the user to adjust at the height of the lug by plus or minus 2mm by simply turning the center pole.

“The presence of the Zelkova drums – the combination of edges and wood etc gives a fast response, and the difference, coming from the older things, is that it is a very fast response – it’s different – like you almost go into the drums more than on top of them. It’s the balance of finding the middle ground – the balance of tone and feel. It’s been great and I’m enjoying it.  In Sadao’s music, the Zelkova set has been great for me. ”
Brian BladeBrian Blade

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This is VERY exciting news that a Zelkova drum set is available at a new venue called GT LIVE TOKYO that will be opened on June 14 in Roppongi, Tokyo!
This is a high end venue with the latest top notch equipment for instruments, sound, and lighting.
This venue is definitely very rare where you can experience the Zelkova drum set, one of only a few in the world. Please check them out and experience it from the stage or in the audience!

Photo by Koichi Morishima

6/14に東京・六本木にオープンしたライブハウス「GT LIVE TOKYO」にCANOPUSセルコバドラムセットが導入されました!

#canopusdrums #designedtobedifferent #canopuszelkovadrumkit

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