Vintage Snare Wire 42

Vintage Snare Wire 42

Vintage Snare Wire 42

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Vintage Snare Wire 42
No. Size Type
CPSL-14DR42 for 14″ * 0.5mm thick Brass End Plate

* Vintage Wire 42 Strand

* Dry (DR) Only




Rich Impact

These new_Canopus_42 strand snare wires give a unique rich and full sound, and provide great impact.Having 42 strands may initially give an impression of being “too much”, _but the VSW-42 wires feature ultra thin end plates – allowing players to enjoy maximum tone and response at all volume levels, whilst also providing great sensitivity and control over the sound. Players can enjoy a comfortably muted, tight sound and very quick response.

Photos from Instagram

the original video will be uploaded on my youtube channel whick you can find in my bio remopercussion kirchhoffschlagwerk vicfirth saluda samsuncymbals dreamcymbals canopusdrums youtube youtubeseitedeutsch #youtube #youtuber #youtubechannel #vicfirth #vicfirthlivewires #remo #remodrumheads #remocybermax #canopusvintagesnarewire #canopusvintagewire #saludacymbals #dreamcymbals #samsuncymbals #tamaspeedcobra #remocsdot #remoambassador #remopinstripe ...

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Improving something that`s already great? .
Get your #CanopusAccesories #CPSL-14DR #CNB #canopusvintagewire #SnareWireBelt canopusdrums canopusdrumsjp

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@christopherlopezdrums just #supercharged his snare with Canopus 42 strand Vintage Snare Wire! What’s underneath your snare?

#canopusdrums #canopusaccessories #madeinjapan #canopussnarewires

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