Vintage Snare Wire

Vintage Snare Wire

Vintage Snare Wire

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[for DRY]

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[for Chrome Plated]

Vintage Snare Wire
No. Size Type Remarks
CPSL-14NP For 14″ Chrome Snare wire cord is fitted as standard equipment
CPSL-13NP For 13″ Chrome
CPSL-12DR For 12″ Dry
CPSL-10DR For 10″ Dry
For Zelkova
CPSL-ZL14NP For 14″ Chrome Snare wire cord is fitted as standard equipment
CPSL-ZL13NP For 13″ Chrome



From a warm whisper to a deep roarElevate your snare drum to its full potential

snare drum is the most important component in the drum set, and the snare-wire is a crucial component of your drum’s sound. This fact has not been widely recognized until very recently; only a few drummers understand this important connection.

1n 1960, Ludwig and Slingerland manufactured what has now become the standard for good vintage wires. Several manufacturers have tried to re-produce the sound. After years of research, we have replicated the Slingerland wire taking several factors into account such as material, spiral diameter and pitch. We finally decided on a core thickness of 0.5 mm, a spiral diameter of 1.35mm and a pitch of 3.4 mm.

In that process, we also found that the end plate is another determinant of a snare-wire’s sensitivity, and we have tried various sizes for these as well. We concluded that 0.5mm is optimal to hold the wires. We also decided to exclude the guiding grooves for snare strings and tapes that most manufacturers use. These guiding grooves impaired the sensitivity of the snare drum. Our end plate is quite thin however; it may have caused breakage of strings and tapes. We resolved the problem by having the lapel at the holes on the end plate.

After years of careful analysis of the material composition, thickness of the end plate, shaping experiments and production consideration, we have the CANOPUS Vintage Snare Wire.Super Jazz drummer Bill Stewart once visited us. He was so impressed by our proto-type Vintage Snare Wires he asked us if he could use it. Many CANOPUS endorsers appreciate the sound quality of this snare wire.

ビンテージスネアワイヤービンテージスネアワイヤー ラインナップ

New Snare Wire Endorsers

Joe PorcaroThey give me a nice crisp sound.When you hit the drum there’s not too much of spread.It’s a snare drum. -I can really hear snares.

Joe Porcaro

Keith CarlockThe Canopus snare wires bring out the clarity and dynamic range of my grace notes and back beats! Check them out!

Keith Carlock

Jason SutterCanopus Vintage Snare wires have changed my snare drum sound in ways I never thought possible; More tone, sensitivity and volume! You wont believe what you have been missing!

Jason Sutter

Billy MartinCanopus has the best snares wires you can find!

Billy Martin

2 types for your choice,DR and NP (for 10”~14”)DR : Without plating – Dry and crisp soundNP : Chrome Plating – Brilliant sound with lots of overtones(ZL : for Zelkova snare drum)

Photos from Instagram

월요일 아침 9시 첫수업하고 덕수궁으로 달려감. 역시 급하게 움직이다 보니 페달을 깜밖...ㅠ 북을 포기 하라다 앉아셋업 첫시도 했으나 나쁘지 않았음 골반 아프고 다리 저린거 빼고. 어젯밤 잡스 영화보니 남들것 잘할려고 하지말고 자신의 것을 크리에이티브 하라...갑자기 어제 영화 대사 생각나서 나름 크리에이티브하게 적용한 셋업! 앉아셋업 연구좀 더해야 겠음.
#덕수궁돌담길 #동방박사 #북촌호호낙락 #월요일점심시간 #사물세트김홍기 #드럼김홍기 #피리김예찬 #잡스명언 #막드럼 #canopusdrum #canopussnare #canopusvintagewire #vaterdrumsticks

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the original video will be uploaded on my youtube channel whick you can find in my bio remopercussion kirchhoffschlagwerk vicfirth saluda samsuncymbals dreamcymbals canopusdrums youtube youtubeseitedeutsch #youtube #youtuber #youtubechannel #vicfirth #vicfirthlivewires #remo #remodrumheads #remocybermax #canopusvintagesnarewire #canopusvintagewire #saludacymbals #dreamcymbals #samsuncymbals #tamaspeedcobra #remocsdot #remoambassador #remopinstripe ...

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📣 Canopus Snappy Vintage Wire 14" Vintage Dry - 20 Strands (Without Plating)
📌 Product features :
• The Canopus vintage snare wire will elevate your snare drum to it`s full potential. From a warm whisper to a deep roar.
• Canopus recreated the original specifications of snare wires of the `60s.
• The thin end plate of 0,5mm delivers a brisk and deep sound, suitable for delicate acoustic conditions. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
💰 IDR. 400K NETT. *Harga sewaktu2 bisa berubah
📞 WA/Call 0818330002 for stock price and info
#snappycanopus #drummer #canopusvintagewire#canopus #snappywire #snaredrum #maestromusiksurabaya

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📣 Canopus Snappy Vintage Wire 14"- 20 Strands (Chrome Plated)
📌 Product features :
• The Canopus vintage snare wire will elevate your snare drum to it`s full potential. From a warm whisper to a deep roar.
• Canopus recreated the original specifications of snare wires of the `60s.
• The thin end plate of 0,5mm delivers a brisk and deep sound, suitable for delicate acoustic conditions.
💰 IDR. 400K NETT. *Harga sewaktu2 bisa berubah
📞 WA/Call 0818330002 for stock price and info
#snappycanopus #drummer #canopusvintagewire#canopus #snappywire #snaredrum #maestromusiksurabaya

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