Neo Vintage NV60-M1

Neo Vintage NV60M1 Drum Kit

Neo Vintage NV60-M1

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Maple + Poplar 7ply (Tom)、10ply(BD)
Oil / Wrapping / Lacquer


Revive The 60’s Jazz Sound

With our NV60 M1 snare drum we have achieved the perfect balance between the classic, vintage sound of the 1960’s and the expectations of modern snare performance and design. Its rich, sophisticated sound suits it to a wide range of musical genres. A major attraction of the NV60-M1 is its wider tuning range – which one is unlikely to experience with vintage drums.

Rail Mount

What is NEO-Vintage Series?

The Classic Sound of Vintage Drums Brought Back to Life by State of the Art Technology

In recent years. the return to vintage musical instruments has been a universal trend in all genres of music. Because of this we have thoroughly reproduce that memorable sound.Canopus has combined a vast knowledge of vintage drum design with state of the art technology to produce a modern drum with all the best characteristic of the great drums of yesteryear.

Reproducing the classic “street” sound.

The Neo-Vintage series has been developed based on thorough research into the structure and tone of vintage drums. We have made the iconic, idealized drum sound that players “hear in their head” into a reality. The 16” bass drum, which was used both in jazz clubs and on the streets in the 1960s, has been added to the NV60M1 series as a standard size. Not only is it convenient to move and store – it also producesa wonderfully full and authentic sound.*Please contact us for the price.

Neo Vintage NV60M1_16BDNV60M1 NY Kit (BD:16″x14″, FT:14″x14″, TT:12″x8″)
Neo Vintage NV60M1_16BD


No. Size (Diameter x Depth)
M1 Standard Kit BD:18″x14″, FT:14″x14″, TT:12″x8″
M1 NY Kit BD:16″x14″, FT:14″x14″, TT:12″x8″
Tom Tom * Tom mount is included as a standard equipment.
NV60M1T-0810 10″x8″
NV60M1T-0812 12″x8″
NV60M1T-0913 13″x9″
Floor Tom  
NV60M1F-1414 14″x14″
NV60M1F-1616 16″x16″
Bass Drum * Tom holder with base or without base are optional.
(Tom holder, stands are available separately)
NV60M1B-1416 16″x14″
NV60M1B-1418 18″x14″
NV60M1B-1420 20″x14″
NV60M1B-1422 22″x14″



Photos from Instagram

Which one? 🤔
Yamaha Al Foster Hipgig vs Canopus nv60 m1

canopusdrums yamahadrumsofficial #canopusnv60m1drumkit #canopusnv60 #canopusdrums #yamahaalfoster #yamahahipgigdrumset #yamahahipgigalfosterjapan #yamahahipgig

15 0

Canopus endorser @stephanegalland8 just received his new NeoVintage Kit!

#canopusdrums #designedtobedifferent #madeinjapan #drums #neovintage

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“I`m so excited to be a member of the canopus Drum family and playing the Neo Vintage M-1 kit is the pinnacle expression of my excitement! This kit provides me with a range of tuning capabilities which allow me to use the same kit in a number of musical situations.” - Jonathan Joseph


#canopusdrums #designedtobedifferent #madeinjapan #drums

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@ryan_sands_drums has been busy touring and recording. Be sure to follow him for upcoming shows!


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Canopus artist Bomi Choi @bobomob on her NeoVintage NV60-M1 drum kit 🥁
#canopusdrums #designedtobedifferent #madeinjapan #drums #neovintage #nv60m1

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