Showing: 21 - 24 of 24 RESULTS

Modern Drummer (USA) / Jun. 2001

Modern Drummer Review

Thin shells provide good resonance Reinforcement rings provide strength baring-edge profiles are matched to drum type to eliminate high-pitched overtones..

Not So Modern Drummer

Not So Modern Drummer

I have never been a big user of wider snare wires because most drums do not have a wide enough snare bed to accept them. …

Not So Modern Drummer

The overall sound can be described as fat. I know that word is over used but this drum, to me, has the archetypical “fatness” at high, medium and low tunings. When tuned really low the drum has a BIG sound, perfect for fatback drumming. I also tried it with a zero ring at a low tuning to see if it would get that deep, dry seventies sound. And, yes, it did!

Donn Bennett

Donn Bennett

The great minds at Canopus drums have re-created one of the most ingenious drum accessories of all time. Their CIM -20 Baseball Bat Inner Muffler picks up where the legendary Ludwig internal “Baseball Bat” muffler left off with a couple really versatile and useful updates. …