Tim Wyskida is most known for playing drums in Blind Idiot God, an instrumental avant metal / dub group and his former band Khanate, an ugly, slug paced, brawny ambient metal group who would often play in 1/1 time. His wide-ranging but often caveman-like style is heavily influenced by jazz technique and composition, learned in childhood. These influences were especially apparent in performances on Plotkin & Wyskida and Jodis albums, collaborations with former Khanate cohort, James Plotkin. His bands can be heard on a wide variety of releases on Indivisible Music, Southern Lord Records, Hydra Head Records, Load Records, aRCHIVE, Daymare Recordings, Trust No One Records as well as the soundtrack to “Downloaded”, an Alex Winter film and “The 11th Hour”, a Leonardo DiCaprio film. International performances are ongoing as well as new collaborations with world-renowned Taiko drummer Kaoru Watanabe, 3-time Grammy Award winning engineer/producer Marc Urselli and several new groups with Blind Idiot God guitarist, Andy Hawkins.
Tim Wyskida