Red Lock (Tuning locks/ 4pcs in a package)

Red Lock (Tuning locks/ 4pcs in a package)


4pcs of Red Locks were included in 1 package.

Red-Lock (CTL-4) is a tension bolt lock developed for use with the Bolt Tight to meet the demands of even the hardest-hitting drummers. While Bolt Tight is enough for most players, Red-Lock ensures that even the hardest rimshots won’t loosen your tension bolts.

Tension bolt play occurs mostly around the spot a stick strikes. The moment the hoop sinks from the force of a rim shot, the bolt becomes free and able to turn.

This is when the Red-Lock comes into play, holding the bolt to prevent turning.

The Red-Lock is compact and will never stick out from lugs or get in the way of drum storage, even in your custom-sized cases.

By combining Bolt-Tight and Red-Lock, you have our “Iron-Wall Guard” to ensure that even tuning and consistent sound are retained through even the most punishing performances.

EAN: 888938002187 SKU: 4511239002186 Categories: ,

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg


4pcs in a package

Photos from Instagram

ขอบคุณน้องนิค Nick Aeckalas ครับผม นำสแนร์มาเปลี่ยนหนัง Aquarian บน/ล่าง และรับกันคลายของ Canopus ไปใช้งาน ขอบคุณค้าบบบบ 🙂 //กันคลาย Canopus Red-lock 4 ตัว 320.- ที่ร้านเหลือ 4 ชุดครับโผมมมม
#undergrounddrumshop #aquariandruumheads #aquarianthailand #canopusredlock

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* * *
Canopus Red Lock (4pcs)
Made in Japan
Price List 145.000
* * *
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LINE : "drumminded"
WA : 081939810777
Telp : (031) 3817449
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#canopusredlock #canopusdrums #drumminded

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