Red Lock (Tuning locks/ 4pcs in a package)

Red Lock (Tuning locks/ 4pcs in a package)


4pcs of Red Locks were included in 1 package.

Red-Lock (CTL-4) is a tension bolt lock developed for use with the Bolt Tight to meet the demands of even the hardest-hitting drummers. While Bolt Tight is enough for most players, Red-Lock ensures that even the hardest rimshots won’t loosen your tension bolts.

Tension bolt play occurs mostly around the spot a stick strikes. The moment the hoop sinks from the force of a rim shot, the bolt becomes free and able to turn.

This is when the Red-Lock comes into play, holding the bolt to prevent turning.

The Red-Lock is compact and will never stick out from lugs or get in the way of drum storage, even in your custom-sized cases.

By combining Bolt-Tight and Red-Lock, you have our “Iron-Wall Guard” to ensure that even tuning and consistent sound are retained through even the most punishing performances.

EAN: 888938002187 SKU: 4511239002186 Categories: ,

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg


4pcs in a package

Photos from Instagram

ขอบคุณน้องนิค Nick Aeckalas ครับผม นำสแนร์มาเปลี่ยนหนัง Aquarian บน/ล่าง และรับกันคลายของ Canopus ไปใช้งาน ขอบคุณค้าบบบบ 🙂 //กันคลาย Canopus Red-lock 4 ตัว 320.- ที่ร้านเหลือ 4 ชุดครับโผมมมม
#undergrounddrumshop #aquariandruumheads #aquarianthailand #canopusredlock

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* * *
Canopus Red Lock (4pcs)
Made in Japan
Price List 145.000
* * *
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LINE : "drumminded"
WA : 081939810777
Telp : (031) 3817449
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#canopusredlock #canopusdrums #drumminded

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Canopus "Red Lock" .. 🔒🔒
#canopus #canopusdrums #redlock #canopusredlock

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Installing some canopusdrums upgrades on my vintage Ludwig snare. #canopusdrums #canopusbolttight #canopusredlock #canopussnarewirebelt #vintageludwig #vintageludwigdrums #ludwigdrums #ludwigsnare #vintageludwigsnare #ludwigbronze #ludwigsupraphonic #supraphonic ...

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Prepping the drums for our upcoming shows & tour. Geert’s snare drum recipe: 14 x 6,5 Tama Bell Brass reissue with Remo CS/X Coated on top, Remo Ambassador on bottom and Canopus Back Beat snare wires. Extra tuning stability is provided by Canopus Bolt Tight & Red Lock on the lugs. 🤘🏼🤓 #switchbones #tamadrums #tamabellbrass #bellbrass #bellbrasssnare #remodrumheads #remocsx #remocsxcoated #remoambassador #canopusdrums #canopussnarewires #canopusbolttight #canopusredlock #gearslutz #drumgeek #drumgear #drums #drummer #rockdrummer #snaredrum #snaredrumfreakz #gerbsu officialtamadrums switchbonesmusic remopercussion canopusdrums gerbsu ...

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First gig using the Canopus Black Brass II (along with the Ludwig Green Machine kit) with recycledyouth_band and it delivered in spades! Tons of tone, power, and warmth.
Canopus Black Brass II specially set up for me with die cast hoops, snare belt, 42 strand backbeat snares, and red locks.
#snaredrumfreakz #snaredrumsaturday #snaredrum #snareporn #canopusaccessories #canopusaccessory #canopusbolttight #canopusvintagesnarewire #canopussnarewires #canopusbackbeat42 #canopusbackbeatsnarewire #blackbrasssnaredrum #canopussnare #designedtobedifferent
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