Replacement wire for other brand For Ludwig Style Super Sensitive
Replacement wire for other brand For Ludwig Style Super Sensitive
CANOPUS Vintage snare wire for Super Sensitive is finally available!
Canopus Vintage snare wires are now available for Ludwig Super Sensitive drums made after 1968!
[Snare wire for Super Sensitive]
The dry, warm tone of these wires brings out the original soothing and pleasant sound of these vintage drums.
These wires not only give a deep, unified sound – they also provide remarkable sensitivity – making them a “must have” item for lovers of vintage snare drums.
(These can also be used for YAMAHA 70’s parallel action drums SD-055M and 065M)
Item Number: CPSL-14DR-LSS
Long scale 463mm
Number of Strands : 20 (10 on each side)
Compatible models: Ludwig Super Sensitive snare drum made after 1968.
This is different for CANOPUS Vintage Wire! Special compound steel wire made in Japan!
Accurately analyze the components of the vintage Slingerland snare wire and use the same material!
Completely reproduced the original specifications of wire diameter 0.5 mm, wire outer diameter 1.35 mm, and pitch 3.4 mm, which were considered impossible for mass production!
Additional information
Weight | 0.5 kg |
10+10 Strands
Length : 463mm
For Ludwig snare drums with P-70 strainer made after 1970 (410, 411)
Snare Wire model number at that time: 1232 (L-1232)
Photos from Instagram
Canopus accessories artist @jasonsutter took some time away from his Vegas residency with Cher to demo some Canopus snare wires. Video coming soon... #canopusdrums #designedtobedifferent #madeinjapan #vintagesnarewires #backbeatsnarewires
the original video will be uploaded on my youtube channel whick you can find in my bio remopercussion kirchhoffschlagwerk vicfirth saluda samsuncymbals dreamcymbals canopusdrums youtube youtubeseitedeutsch #youtube #youtuber #youtubechannel #vicfirth #vicfirthlivewires #remo #remodrumheads #remocybermax #canopusvintagesnarewire #canopusvintagewire #saludacymbals #dreamcymbals #samsuncymbals #tamaspeedcobra #remocsdot #remoambassador #remopinstripe ...
📣 Canopus Snappy Vintage Wire 14" Vintage Dry - 20 Strands (Without Plating)
📌 Product features :
• The Canopus vintage snare wire will elevate your snare drum to it`s full potential. From a warm whisper to a deep roar.
• Canopus recreated the original specifications of snare wires of the `60s.
• The thin end plate of 0,5mm delivers a brisk and deep sound, suitable for delicate acoustic conditions. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
💰 IDR. 400K NETT. *Harga sewaktu2 bisa berubah
📞 WA/Call 0818330002 for stock price and info
#snappycanopus #drummer #canopusvintagewire#canopus #snappywire #snaredrum #maestromusiksurabaya
월요일 아침 9시 첫수업하고 덕수궁으로 달려감. 역시 급하게 움직이다 보니 페달을 깜밖...ㅠ 북을 포기 하라다 앉아셋업 첫시도 했으나 나쁘지 않았음 골반 아프고 다리 저린거 빼고. 어젯밤 잡스 영화보니 남들것 잘할려고 하지말고 자신의 것을 크리에이티브 하라...갑자기 어제 영화 대사 생각나서 나름 크리에이티브하게 적용한 셋업! 앉아셋업 연구좀 더해야 겠음.
#덕수궁돌담길 #동방박사 #북촌호호낙락 #월요일점심시간 #사물세트김홍기 #드럼김홍기 #피리김예찬 #잡스명언 #막드럼 #canopusdrum #canopussnare #canopusvintagewire #vaterdrumsticks
📣 Canopus Snappy Vintage Wire 14"- 20 Strands (Chrome Plated)
📌 Product features :
• The Canopus vintage snare wire will elevate your snare drum to it`s full potential. From a warm whisper to a deep roar.
• Canopus recreated the original specifications of snare wires of the `60s.
• The thin end plate of 0,5mm delivers a brisk and deep sound, suitable for delicate acoustic conditions.
💰 IDR. 400K NETT. *Harga sewaktu2 bisa berubah
📞 WA/Call 0818330002 for stock price and info
#snappycanopus #drummer #canopusvintagewire#canopus #snappywire #snaredrum #maestromusiksurabaya
“How to change snare wire"
Vol.4 Brian Tichy is now available! Full Video on the special website!
When you want to change the sound of your snare drum, the easiest and most effective way is to change the snare wires. Why don`t you try to change yours to our snare wires and see what they do?
You can also take a survey on the next drummer you want to see on the special website!
第4弾、Brian Tichy編が公開されました。フルは特設サイトまたはYouTubeチャンネルにて。
#canopusdrums #howtochangesnarewire
“How to change snare wire"
Vol.3 Yasuo Sano is now available! Full Video on YouTube!
When you want to change the sound of your snare drum, the easiest and most effective way is to change the snare wires. Why don`t you try to change yours to our snare wires and see what they do?
You can also take a survey on the next drummer you want to see on the special website!
#canopusdrums #howtochangesnarewire
#佐野康夫 #YasuoSano