Bro’s Kit SK-20 is for all genres with a 20″ bass drum and a shallow tom set up. Adopting an all-Birch shell, you can experience the well balanced tom and floor tom, with excellent sound and low end of the 20” bass drum which is comparable to 22” set. It can be used for school equipment such as club activities for a long time, making it a recommended size balance.

Please note :
*Photo shown is just an example. Hardware, Cymbals, additional tom / floor tom and other items on the photo are not included. Only drum(s) specified in the description is included.
*Bass drum comes standard with no tom mount installed except Yaiba Maple bass drum.
*If a tom mount needs to be installed on a bass drum, please purchase a tom holder separately. When a tom holder is purchased with a bass drum, we determine that a tom mount needs to be installed on a bass drum.
*When you choose mat lacquer, the photo shown is gloss lacquer. The actual purchased product will be in mat lacquer if you choose mat lacquer.
*Photo might not show the hoop type you selected, but your purchased item will come with the hoop type you chose.
*Colors on the photo might be slightly different from the actual color.
Additional information
Weight | 65 kg |
Color | Platinum Turquoise, Platinum Ruby, Platinum Quartz, Platinum Onyx |
BD 16”x20”
FT 14”x14”
TT 8“x12”
TT 8”x10”
SD 5.5”x14”
w/ Tom Holder
Hoop : Steel 2mm
Shell : Birch
Lug Type : Oval Lug
Lug Color : Chrome
Drum Head : UT Remo Clear
Photos from Instagram
Bro’s Kit SK-16 is ideal for playing in limited spaces such as Jazz bar, cafes and clubs, and also for carrying around for street live. Adopting an all-Birch shell, you can experience a rich low frequency range that you can not think of as a 16″ bass drum, and colorful tom sound! You will be amazed the sound quality of the entire set is in low price range.
JAZZ BARやカフェなどの限られたスペースでの演奏や、ストリートLiveなどの持ち運びに最適。オールBirchシェルを採用し、16インチのバスドラムとは思えない充実した低音域が体感できます!セット全体の鳴りの良さはこの価格帯とは思えません。
@customshop_canopus @canopusdrumsamerica @canopusdrumsfrance @canopusdrumsid @canopus_drums_benelux
#canopus #canopusdrums
#canopusbros #canopusbroskit #broskit #drumkit
Batería de Hermano’s 👊🏼💪🏼
Bro`s Kit SK-16 es ideal para tocar en espacios limitados como bares de jazz, cafés y clubes, y también para llevar en vivo en la calle. Al adoptar un casco completamente de abedul, puede experimentar un rico rango de frecuencias bajas que no puede imaginar como un bombo de 16″ y un colorido sonido de tom. Se sorprenderá de que la calidad de sonido de todo el conjunto se encuentre en un rango de precio bajo.
#canopus #drums #canopusdrums #bateria #batero #percussion
#designedtobedifferent #tambores #tambor
#canopusbros #canopusbroskit #broskit #drumkit